
Annual Fund

List of 7 items.

  • 93% of Parents

    Supported the 2022-2023 Annual Fund
  • 41% of Alumnae

    Supported the 2022-2023 Annual Fund
  • 279 Parents

    of Spence Alumnae Contributed
  • 207

    Grandparents, Faculty, Staff, and Friends Contributed
  • 10% of Spence’s Operating Budget

    Comes From the Annual Fund Each Year
  • 100% of Spence students

    benefit from the Annual Fund Every Day
  • Range of Gifts:

    $1 to $100,000

Why Support the Annual Fund?

List of 1 items.

  • The Annual Fund is the lifeblood of all fundraising efforts for Spence.

    Our entire community comes together each year in support of the Annual Fund. The need is real and every student benefits. Beyond the very important dollars we must raise each and every year, your participation in the Annual Fund reflects the strength of our community, and our shared commitment to our students.

    The Annual Fund helps pay for everything from faculty salaries and professional development opportunities to new curricular initiatives, from financial aid to technology maintenance and upgrades, from the electricity needed to keep the lights on to supplies and books. It helps Spence attract and retain a talented and committed faculty and provides support for extracurricular activities, clubs, sports, arts initiatives and other programs. Tuition does not fully cover the cost of educating each student, so every Annual Fund gift matters.


Richard Hutzler
Director of Annual Fund and Donor Relations

Leadership Gift Clubs

The Annual Fund Leadership Gift Clubs recognize donors who make generous gifts to Spence and salute the extraordinary leaders and members of the Spence community on whose shoulders we stand today.

List of 2 items.

  • Annual Fund Leadership Gift Club

    Third Century Club:
    $75,000 or more

    Clara B. Spence Circle:
    $50,000 - $74,999

    Dorothy Osborne Association:
    $25,000 - $49,999

    Head’s Forum:
    $15,000 - $24,999

    Edith Shepard Society:
    $10,000 - $14,999

    Charlotte S. Baker Society:
    $5,000 - $9,999

    Carnegie Circle:
    $2,500 - $4,999
  • The Red Door Club (Spence Alumnae Only)

    Classes 2009 - 2012:
    $1,000 or more

    Classes 2013 - 2016:
    $500 or more

    Classes 2017 - 2019:
    $250 or more

    Classes 2018 - 2023:
    $50 or more

2023-2024 Parent Annual Fund Volunteers

List of 2 items.

  • Annual Fund Co-Chairs

    Heather Cross Berger ’95, P’25, P’29
    T. Jordan P’27
    Bobby Fallon P’34, P’36
    Rosina Giuliante P’32

  • Annual Fund Parent Class Captains

    Stuart Baldwin
    Scott Caputo
    Bobby Fallon
    Justin Korval
    Poonam Shah
    Marissa Sutker ‘06

    Grade 1
    Sam Feinstein
    Tobi Katz
    Shilpa Nadella
    Jason Tofsky

    Grade 2
    Erika Bearman
    Markos Drakotos
    Bobby Fallon
    Danielle Segal
    Phil Sherrill

    Grade 3
    Katie Day
    Rob Diamond
    Samantha Warshauer Heffner ’98
    Katie Klein
    Alisa Mall
    Roopesh Shah

    Grade 4
    Dana Kugelman Feigenbaum ’98
    Rosina Giuliante
    Kendall Ley
    Lola Temple

    Grade 5
    Rachael Levine
    Bryce Markus
    Rodes Ponzer
    Donny Reid
    Anya Herz Shiva '88

    Grade 6
    Blair England ’91
    Travis Hennings
    Kate Hudson
    Shilpa Mullan

    Grade 7
    Kim Bambino
    Heather Cross Berger ’95
    Martin Laiks
    Daryl Patterson
    Steve Scotford
    Juan Uribe

    Grade 8
    Betsy Frank
    Nickie Greene
    Julie Kwak
    Lauren Kleinberg Levy ’93
    Erica Samuels

    Grade 9
    Dana Wallach Jones ’93
    T. Jordan
    Ahrin Mishan

    Grade 10
    Roz Davis
    Seneka Johnson
    Stephanie Benzaquen Levey ’93
    Tracey Strauss ’93

    Grade 11
    Kathleen McCabe
    Allison Carneal
    Lauren Kleinberg Levy ’93
    Bryce Markus
    Kiran Melwani
    Daryl Wout

    Grade 12
    Virginia Apple
    Eric Davis
    Martha Sharp
    Kate Walsh

2023-2024 Alumnae Annual Fund Volunteers

List of 1 items.

  • Alumnae Annual Fund Co-Chairs

    Sylvia Totah Calabrese ’69
    Meredith Rubel Lipsher ’86
    Samantha Warshauer Heffner ’98
    Emily Washkowitz Tarkan ’04

    And 266 Annual Fund Class Reps from across all decades

Ways of Giving

Every gift to Spence makes a difference. Thank you for your generosity.
BY CREDIT CARD, you can make an online gift using our secure form with your American Express, Visa, MasterCard or Discover Card. You may also call the Annual Fund Office with your credit card information at 212-710-8131.

BY CHECK, please mail your gift to:
The Spence School, Development Office, 22 East 91st Street, New York, NY 10128

BY STOCK, for appreciated securities held for more than one year, by following the instructions on our information form. Or call Emily Stone, Director of Advancement, at (212) 710-8131. Please note that securities are valued at the mean price on the date of transfer to Spence.

WITH A MATCHING GIFT, if your employer has a matching gift program, be sure to send your company’s matching form with your Spence contribution. We will return the form to your company, which will issue a matching gift contribution directly to Spence. A Spence donor receives full credit for both the original gift and the amount of the match. Find out if your company participates in this program by clicking here.
A K-12 independent school in New York city, The Spence School prepares a diverse community of girls and young women for the demands of academic excellence and responsible citizenship.


© 2023 Spence School